Dr. Mercola’s Krill Oil for Dogs & Cats (100mg)
Ensuring adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids has a profoundly supportive effect on your pet's overall health.
Featuring a technologically-advanced airless pump delivery system locks air and contaminants outside the container.
And there's no guessing. One or more gentle strokes of your fingertip delivers the precise amount of Krill Oil for Pets (refer to the label for the correct amount of pumps needed based on your pet’s weight). No mess. No sticky, oily fingers. Just the right amount of healthy omega-3 fatty acids exactly where you want it!
Plus, since our formula is now more concentrated, you get a higher concentration of Krill Oil per pump — and you can use less pumps.
You'll even save money since there's no waste. You're assured that the oil at the bottom of the container is just as fresh and pure as the first pump.
Plus, my Krill Oil for Pets is completely sustainable and is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a global leader in sustainability standards.
In a recent sustainability report of 24 fisheries by NGO Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), the fishery that supplies the krill for our Krill Oil for Pets was awarded the only “A” rating for sustainability and management strategy.
The fishery uses patent pending technology that helps ensure unwanted by-catch (non-krill species) aren’t caught, and that the krill are kept alive until processing in order to maintain freshness and nutrients. You can even trace Krill Oil for Pets back to its sustainable place of harvest using the coordinates on the bottle!
268 Pumps